Saturday, 31 October 2015

Vya Art

This was a real late entry to the blog today. Vya literally just followed me on twitter - I think today actually. I looked across his images and they really appealed to me so I'm just going to do a 'stop press' moment and get him (him?) in here.

What attracted me to this work is the sense of energy and movement. There is a real diversity of subject matter - but it all carries vitality, energy and movement.

I'd like to start with his (again could be a her) nude portraits of women. These images are gorgeous:

These are hugely uninhibited, sexy images of a natural female form. They are wonderfully impressionistic and the use of light and dark shades is of paramount importance. The images are both soft and elegant, they are enticing and relaxed and free. I think they're brilliant.

In addition the artist has created a range of portraits of famous and iconic figures. Here are a few examples:

Jim Morrison (top) Steven Tyler (middle) and an amazing representation of Jimi Hendrix which just captures the enigmatic essence and the spirit of the musician completely. It's not just about musicians either - with portraits on show including Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn.

Finally, I'd like to draw attention to the animals that this artist has done:

I find the animals very endearing. The lion is imperious and there is a shimmering quality of red heat about him. The two dogs - the first a labrador, the second a spaniel - both have that 'man's best friend' quality, and a soft affectionate appearance. If I had a pet that I wanted to be captured in portrait this is exactly how I would want it.

Vya is very well established on twitter - @art_vya - but also sells material through Etsy:

Vya on Etsy

with over 180 different pictures and sculptures on show there.

I haven't communicated directly with this artist but it would appear that Vya is based in Bangkok. I'd encourage you to follow and enjoy this artist.

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