I wasn't actually going to write about a particular artist this week. I just hadn't encountered one that motivated me to do that. While my blog tends to be a bit 'gushy' (why would I refer to an artist to slag them off though?) I'm still discriminatory in the sense that I pick people out and I don't just throw anyone up here. Essentially the art has to engage me emotionally some how.
So today I encountered Robert Bohan, from Dublin, on Twitter:
As you can see, Robert believes in the relationship between art and emotion. I had an immediate reaction to this portrait that he is displaying on his account:
I saw it and immediately thought 'wow'. I feel that it's incredibly distinct and stylish - it's both detailed and yet plain. It's minimal without feeling empty. So I immediately went through his photos like I was raiding his house or something. I was rewarded with these images - totally different - even more abstract, and bold and colourful.
Then we got this (left) which is entitled 'Grief'. It's like a foot and a hand, and two eye balls, and a hand tearing at the eye socket, and it's tangled up and rolled in a ball, and the whole thing is drawn off centre and up in one corner...
And here we have to drmatic portraits of female figures - each beautiful in their own contrasting way. The figure in blue has a ghostly bereaved quality and seems to be caught in a swirling cold wind.
@RobertBohan is clearly a mature and very well established artist with over one hundred and sixty thousand followers on Twitter.
You can check out his website here
I didn't actually approach Robert before I wrote this blog, I was just kind of moved to do it. Robert - I apologise, but thanks for your art, it's very special.
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