This is my portrait of Pablo Picasso, which I have entitled 'Pablo'. It's an original composition in the Cubist style, for obvious reasons.
The image below is a copy of one of Pablo Picasso's self portraits - I have taken an excerpt from the whole painting focusing in on the face.
I've been playing with Picasso a bit over the last couple of day - below is a copy of 'Lump' which is a line drawing of his beloved dog. I think it's delightful (well the original is).
This is my copy of the Van Gogh master piece 'Starry Night' [right]. I love Van Gogh. I've posted my copy of The Church at Augers elsewhere in this blog. I do my best, but you can't get near a Vincent Van Gogh can you?
My favourite boxer [left] Smokin' Joe Frazier. Nobody beat up Mohammed Ali quite like Smokin' Joe. And let's cut through all the bull shit, Mohammed Ali was a racist and a liar. Joe Frazier was the real thing. He was always real.
In the two images below I have drawn the punch that floored Ali in the Ali v Frazier I fight.
Below is an image of Ali - with elements of cubism utilised to construct his face. There's also a strong play between the light on his shoulder verses the dark in his hair.

You can click on any of these images if you wish to see them larger, or if you would like to buy a copy.
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