My personal belief is that politics has been monopolised by one position for quite a long time and it has been tiring to choose between three parties (in the UK) that so closely aligned to one another (and pretend otherwise).
As I've mentioned somewhere else in my blog, I'm a liberal and a socialist. The picture (above) of Margaret Thatcher came out reasonably well - it's recognisable. The hair isn't right and it tends to highlight the struggle I still have with drawing hair.
The picture of Louise Mensch (right) is more satirical than a portrait. Let's just say that I really can't stand the woman. So I've managed to open this post with two people I really think have damaged the politcal landscape.
I mean - in my eyes - nobody has done more damage to Britain than Thatcher (yeah yeah I know that will really upset some). Louise Mensch, for me, just epitomises the greedy selfish career politician that has prospered of late. Two years in her constituency before she jacked it in. Her husband spilling the beans that she was unhappy that she wasn't moving into a government role soon enough.
So Thatcher was an evil figure to me - whereas Mensch was just the typical lightweight political parasite - trading on image and nothing more - that followed in her wake in a chorus of 'me me me'.
Below is a picture I drew of Tony Benn. The man was (is) a hero to me. A very good, honest, decent man who served his conscience and his principles and worked hard for ordinary people.
I'm quite happy with the Tony Benn - it manages to capture a lot, but it could be better.
Below is an unfinished (I'll get round to it) picture I call 'Burger Queen'. I'm really quite happy with the image - the eyes are pretty 'ok' and the hair is better than my usual (teeth too). Originally I had a proper crown on her head, but I'll be honest, I got struck with the idea of replacing it with a cardboard Burger King one and I couldn't resist.
I'm not a royalist.
Tony Blair - two of these. Like most people I'd like to see Tony answer for the lies that were told regarding the second gulf war. His recent opinions published in broadsheet newspapers about prosecuting wars in the middle east and sweeping through to other regions really worried me. I'd describe him as a dangerous, smarmy, egotistical lunatic.
The images below were drawn after his remarks against Jeremy Corbin. Neither image is ideal, I'm not totally happy to be honest.
David Cameron - just the one here (below), and it's quite cartoon. It's probably more suited to the blog that I'll eventually do on politcial satire. This whole blog is going in that direction. I was quite happy with this one, it caught the slightly rubbery, airbrushed spitting image style that is perfect for him.
So we're well on the way to political cartoons, so here (right - perhaps that should be far right?) is a cartoon of Nigel Farage that I did ages ago. I really see Nigel Farage as the lowest scrapings of the barrel. Dog whistle politics at the very worst - because it's always framed around the 'I'm not racist but...' narrative and 'What? Me?' innocence when people inevitably point out that he is a small minded bigoted misogynistic racist.
I really didn't spend much time on this cartoon so admittedly, it's probably as dodgy as he is. Although, maybe not.
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